//connect to server
$link = @mysql_connect($servidor, $usuario, $contrasinal);
// check that it works
if (! $link)
echo "
The Navigation Menu Bar (formerly called the "Yellow Menu Bar") may be seen at the upper portion of pages on the site that is presented in silver white (background) and light grey (texts) combination of colours (colours of the menu bar on the system homepage could be slightly different).
The Navigation Menu contains all links to various topics and sections of the site. It is designed to provide clear visibility and easy access on desktop screens and on screens of most mobile devices.
On smaller screens (as on a cellphone, etc), the navigation menu will change into a short horizontal bar having the "drop down" functionality. Touching on the menu icon will display the drop down menu of all the navigation items.
Located at the bottom of each page, the FOOTER also contains links to various topics of administration and management nature, including the Terms Of Use, Privacy Policy and Contact Us pages.